Global History and Geography Regents Review – What you need to know (this is not a definitive list)
On the lined side of the index card, students will address the BLPT for each key term as follows:
Bottom Line: the most essential characteristics of the term
Place: the location most closely associated with the term
Time: a date or era associated with the term
Create a BLPT index card for each term. Be sure you define the term and its key significance.
1. Ancient Athens:Socrates, Plato, Aristotle; direct democracy2. Ancient Rome: development of law codes – 12 Tables, Justinian Code; Pax Romana
3. Middle Ages:barbarian invasions; Roman Catholic Church (preserver of learning and knowledge); serfs,lords, vassals, knights, chivalry;feudalism; manorialism – self sufficient Japan Feudalism/samurai/bushido
4. Crusades
5. Magna Carta
6. Renaissance
7. Reformation
8. Scientific Revolution
9. Commercial Revolution
10. Ages of Exploration
11. Colombian Exchange
12. Mercantilism
13. Absolutism
14. Glorious Revolution
15. English Bill of Rights
16. Enlightenment
17. French Revolution
18. Napoleon
19. Industrial Revolution
20. Laissez Faire, Capitalism
21. Socialism/Marxism
22. Imperialism
23. Nationalism
24. World War I
25. World War II/Holocaust
26. Cold War – Marshall Plan, NATO
27. European Union
28. Japan- mountainous, archipelago, lack of natural resources
29. Confucianism filial piety; civil service exam
30. Tokugawa Shogunate – isolationism
31. Meiji Restoration
32. Hiroshima/Nagasaki
33. Constitutional Monarchy
34.Byzantium:Cyrillic language, Orthodoxy,dress, architecture
35.Mongols:Golden Horde, tribute system
36. Autocracy: czars
37. Peter the Great
38. Catherine the Great
39. Russian Revolution
40. Vladmir Lenin
41. NEP (New Economic Policy)
42. Joseph Stalin
43. Five Year Plans-Collectivization – kulaksGulag
44. Cold War:Truman Doctrine, containment, Berlin Airlift, Warsaw Pact,Berlin Wall
47. Mikhail Gorbachev: perestroika, glasnost, democratization
49. China Huang Ho (Yellow) and Yangtze Rivers, Gobi Desert
50.Tibet -Buddhism, China, Himalayas
51. Ethnocentrism
52. Chinese Dynasties: Mandate of Heaven Shang, Zhou, Chin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan (Mongol),
Ming, Qing (Manchu)
53. Opium Wars –
54. Boxer Rebellion
55. Sun Yat Sen – Nationalists
56.Communist Revolution-
57.Great Leap Forward
58. Cultural Revolution
59. Deng Xiaoping
60. Four Modernizations
61.One-Child Policy-infanticide
62. Tiananmen Square
63.India-Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra Rivers. Monsoons
64. Hinduism-Caste system- reincarnation
65. Buddhism- reincarnation
66.Indian Empires-Mauyra Empire,Gupta Empire,Aryans Mughals
67. British Imperialism
68. Sepoy Rebellion
69. Mohandas Gandhi-Non-violent resistance- Salt March
70. Pakistan
71. Non-alignment
72. Kashmir
73.Africa Geography Nile River Valley Civilization . Sahara Desert, Sahal, Savanah
74.Bantu Migration
75. African Empires-Ghana Mali,Songhai,Gold-Salt Trade,Mansa-Musa,Timbuktu, Zimbabwe
76.Slavery-Middle Passage
77. Scramble for Africa
78.Berlin Conference
79. Tribalism/Ethnic conflict
80. Kwame Nkrumah-Jomo Kenyatta
81. Nelson Mandela -Apartheid, ANC
82. Famine (Ethiopia/Somalia)
83. African Genocides Rwanda/Burundi (Hutus v. Tutsi), Sudan (Darfur)
84. Desertification
85. AIDs
86. Middle East- Oil, Desert, Fundamentalism
87. Judaism (Torah)
88.Christianity (Bible)
89.Islam (Koran)
90.Mesopotamia-Gilgamesh, Fertile Crescent, Hammurabi
91.Ottoman Empire
92.Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
93. Suez Canal
94. Zionism, Arab-Israeli Conflict
95. Persian Gulf Wars
96.Latin American Geography Andes Mountains, Amazon Rainforest
97.Latin American Empires -Mayas Aztecs, Incas
98. Spanish conquistadors God, Gold, Glory
99. Encomienda system
100. Spanish Colonial Society Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos, Mulattoes Latin American Revolutionaries-Toussaint L’Overture, Simon Bolivar, Miguel Hidalgo
101.Monroe Doctrine
102. Panama Canal
103.Fidel Castro
104. Global Warming
105. World hunger
106. Population growth
107. United Nations
108.Green Revolution